About Dr.KI Singh In Nepali and English
डाक्टर के.आइ. सिंह अर्थात सन्की प्रधानमन्त्री !
नेपालमा सबैभन्दा कम समय प्रधानमन्त्री हुने व्यक्ति डाक्टर के.आइ. सिंह हुन् । उनको वास्तविक नाम डा. कुँवर इन्द्रजित सिँह थियो । यिनी होमियोप्याथी डाक्टर थिए ।
उनी २०१४ साल श्रावण ११ देखि २०१४ साल कार्तिक २९ गतेसम्मका १०८ दिन नेपालका प्रधानमन्त्री भएका थिए ।
२००७ सालको क्रान्तिमा पश्चिम तराईबाट सक्रिय रहेका यिनी दिल्ली सम्झौता धोका हो भनी आन्दोलन रोक्न तयार थिएनन्। पछि त्यही निहूँमा आन्दोलन गरेपछि यिनी पक्राऊ गरेर काठमाडौंं ल्याइएका थिए। प्रखर स्वभावका यिनलाई त्यसबेला सिंहदरवार भित्र रहेको बिजुली गारतको नियन्त्रणमा कैद गरिएको थियो। पछि त्यहाँ कार्यरत सिपाहीहरूलाई नै प्रभावमा लिई सिंहदरवार नै नियन्त्रण गरेर बिद्रोह गरे। सिंहदरवार बाहिर रहेको सेना र भित्र रहेको विद्रोही सेनाबीच गोली हानाहान भयो। अन्त्यमा दूत मार्फत यिनले आफूलाई सुरक्षित काठमाडौंं उपत्यका बाहिर जान दिने भए विद्रोह छोड्ने बताएपछि सोही अनुसार यिनलाई छोडियो। त्यसपछि यिनी झण्डै १ वर्ष चीन सरकारको शरणमा गै बसे।
#तस्विरमा: चीनबाट नेपाल फर्कँदा सिंहलार्इ गरिएको भव्य स्वागत
पछि नेपाल फर्केपछि २०१४ सालमा यिनी राजाद्वारा प्रधानमन्त्री बनाइए। कडा स्वभावका यिनले त्यसबेला सचिव लगायत विभिन्न कर्मचारीहरूलाई हातपात सम्म गरेका थिए। अत्यन्तै उद्दण्ड स्वभावका देखिएकाले यिनको सरकार ३ महिना सम्म पनि टिक्न सकेन। पछि यिनलाई हटाएर सुवर्ण सम्शेर राणाको नेतृत्त्वमा सरकार गठन भयो। पछि यिनी पञ्चायती राजनीतिमा पनि सांसद सम्म भए। यिनको सन् १९८२मा घाँटीको क्यान्सरको उपचार गर्दा गर्दै थाइल्याण्डको बैंककमा निधन भयो। @oldphotoofNepal
Read This in English
Dr. K.I. Singh means eccentric Prime Minister!
The shortest serving Prime Minister of Nepal is Dr. K.I. They are lions. His real name is Dr. Kunwar was Indrajith Singh. He was a homeopathic doctor.
He was the Prime Minister of Nepal for 108 days from Shravan 11, 2014 to Kartik 29, 2014.
He was active in the 2007 revolution from the Western Terai and was not ready to stop the movement saying that the Delhi Accord was a betrayal. He was later arrested and brought to Kathmandu after protesting on the same pretext. He was imprisoned under the control of an electric guard inside Singha Durbar at that time. Later, they revolted under the influence of the soldiers working there and controlled the Singha Durbar. There was a shootout between the army outside Singha Durbar and the rebel army inside. In the end, he was released after being told by an envoy that he would leave the rebellion if he was allowed to leave the Kathmandu Valley safely. After that, he stayed in the shelter of the Chinese government for almost a year.
# In the picture: A grand welcome to the lion on his return to Nepal from China
After returning to Nepal in 2014 BS, he was made the Prime Minister by the King. He had severely beaten various employees including the secretary at that time. His government could not last even for three months due to its extremely ruthless nature. Later, he was removed and a government was formed under the leadership of Suvarna Samsher Rana. He later became an MP in Panchayat politics. He died in 1982 in Bangkok, Thailand, while undergoing treatment for throat cancer. oldphotoofNepal
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